How To Get Traffic From Reddit

Reddit could be the most intimidating network in existence also one of the oldest. Its been home to almost all the controversial communities and Redditors (Reddit users) are known to be incredibly harsh to others. Yet Reddit is an amazing source to generate traffic and you use this opportunity to grow your business. Hire the best Digital Marketing Company in Chennai to get more visitors to your business. Whole Reddit looks complex but it has about 51 million unique users and over 1 million communities.


What is Reddit?

Reddit was started in 2005 and since then it has grown into a digital juggernaut. Users submit URL of other websites that are relevant to the community. Users can also submit something called text posts or self-posts. Text posts allow you to submit your own post which in turn helps for driving quality traffic to your website.

Redditors can either upvote or downvote. This tradition is called Karma. Having a high karma score will bring you wonders for your Reddit credibility, so you have to avoid downvotes as much as possible. There is one more concept call subreddit. Subreddit is a community based on a specific interest. After the content is optimized you’ve found a handful of subreddits, you can start using Reddit for your business.



Step 1: Participate

This is the first step also the most time-consuming step. You have started by participating a lot which means you have to wait a bit.

Most important part “Reddit hates Marketing”

The site is known for rejecting any kind of sales in any form. So, if you go on Reddit and try marketing for your business something you will be torn in parts in moments. You can still get traffic, but you need to take it slowly. In order to gain the trust of the subreddits your targeting, you need to start posting in them.

By clicking on the top tab, you will be able to find what kind of content subreddit values. The top results will be different for each subreddit and you need to post accordingly. When you have an idea of what your subreddits, start participating.

Your journey on Reddit absolutely starts with participation.

You have to gain the trust of different communities, the goal is to gain a reputation as an esteemed member. Only after a month, you should start posting your brand when you have enough karma (lots of upvotes).


Step 2: Find what works

After you’ve participated in getting trusts of other subreddits then it’s time to post that mentions your site.

Since you already know what kind of content they like, your goal is to create and submit something awesome and helpful.


It’s best to create a long, detailed piece of content just for that subreddit.


Step 3: Create your first link submission

It’s finally, time to submit a link to your site. There are several ways to optimize your submission. Either you can directly submit or link to your site in a text post.

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